Sunday, November 17, 2013

Divergence rotation

Every centroid-coordinated tessellation of circles and ellipses (left) can be affine-transformed into a centroid-coordinated tessellation of ellipses that are identical but rotated 90° (right.)

A special case of divergence reshaping occurs when the new divergence pattern actually has the same shape, but is oriented differently.

Any coordinated tessellation of circles and ellipses can be transformed by affine transformation into a design for a divergence reshaper that rotates an incident elliptical beam 90°. If the ellipses in the coordinated tessellation have aspect ratio A, an affine shrinking of both circles and ellipses in the direction of the major axis of the ellipses by √A, yields a coordinated tessellation of identically shaped ellipses, all of aspect ratio √A, lying at right angles to each other.

From the previous result that hexagonally-packed coordinated tessellations of circles and ellipses exist for aspect ratios drawn from the central polygonal numbers, {1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31, 43, 57, 73, 91…}, the magic aspect ratios for a tessellation of hexagonally-packed ellipses that can centroid coordinate with a 90° rotation of itself are the square roots of the central polygonal numbers, {√1, √3, √7, √13, √21, √31, √43, √57, √73, √91…}.

Another way to rotate the divergence pattern of a beam by 90° is to reflect it in a planar Rabl mirror, placing the dihedral line of the mirror at 45° to the major axis of the incident and rotated beams.

Cross-section of a planar Rabl mirror (3M prismatic film.) Image quoted from K.G. Kneipp, "Use of prismatic films to control light distribution."

A divergence rotating mirror: the divergence of a beam of light is rotated 90° by normal reflection from a Rabl prismatic mirror when the prisms'  dihedral lines lie at a 45° angle to the principal axes of the incident—and, as well, the reflected—beams.

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